Sarajevo or notations on stars, telescopic-mires and observatories of the series Postcards of the post revolution

Date2013 - 2014

Permanent collection CIFO foundation. Miami Florida.

Postcards of the post-revolution is a long-term research project on ex-Yugoslavia and the “eastalgie”. It compares situations and experiences from the former communist countries against new stories created in the new communist wave (Venezuela).

Using the cadence of film storytelling, I created an archive of video material that communicated with objects, text, and other findings, forming a site-specific constellation as a playful exercise of nostalgic perception. A space Postcard that exalted the healing process that covers Sarajevo city while working and researching on a significant investigation on post-revolutionary modern aesthetics. This postcard is an archeological archive of vestiges and remains of the observatory near Sarajevo city. In a game of reality and fiction, I tell the destroyed place’s story by constructing a sensible discourse on nostalgia. The 7mts disappeared dome is the main protagonist of the story. The text forms the new space’s exact dimension, describing in chaotic enumeration each of the screws and bumps that remained attached to the structural skeleton.